Last weekend I consumed about 5 energy drinks and 10+ Mountain Dew cans, I was wired, and so was the other 6 people at the LAN, starting with tournaments, including Brawl and Madden 09 to kick things off. (I won them both!)
Me and CowBoyKyle Ended the tournament with the most epic battle of Super Smash Brothers: Brawl man has ever witness, it was tough, but I came out the victor and champ (0-2)
We also lost this Monday's CAL match which will knock us out of IM standing but we're going to finish out the season strong.
I'll keep the VG Forum up-to-date with mine and Kyle's "Let's play" Series of LoZ.
Long time, no spam. You look even whiter here :3
Also, great that you had fun on your LAN.
Fuck you! The flash was on! haha it was pretty awesome!